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The FedID Server

The FedID Server is a web service that provides the core functionality of the FIDC system. It is responsible for managing the relationships between users and the services they use, as well as providing a standardized interface for services to interact with users through the DID document.

The server is designed to be highly scalable and can be easily set up to run on a single machine or in the cloud via a docker container.

Basic setup via Docker

The below example is a basic setup for leveraging FedID. This example assume no services will be using FIDC on this server. This additional configuration can be seen below.

version: '3.8'


image: fedid/server:latest
container_name: fedid-server
"publicUrl": "https://fedid.domain.ext",
"port": 3000,
"schema": "https",
"primaryDomain": "domain.ext",
"domains": [
"dbUrl": "postgresql://fedid:password@fedid-db/fedid",
"redisUrl": "redis://fedid-redis:6379",
"allowInsecure": true
restart: unless-stopped
- fedid-db
- fedid-redis
- fedid

image: postgres:15-alpine
container_name: fedid-db
hostname: postgres
- ./data/fedid-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
restart: unless-stopped
- fedid

image: redis
container_name: fedid-redis
test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"]
interval: 10s
timeout: 30s
retries: 3
restart: unless-stopped
- fedid


The below configuration options are required:

Configuration variableDescription
hostnameThe hostname of your FedID Server
portThe port it is running on
schemaThe public-facing schema being utilized (proxy)
primaryDomainIf the FedID Server supports multiple domains, the default used
domainsAn array of domains allowed to be used by this FedID Server
dbURLThe PostgreSQL database URL
rediUrlThe Redis URL
allowInsecureAllows for the use of http in schema

Allowing services to leverage your server for FIDC

Adding the services key to your configuration enables FIDC use for OIDC compatible sites. Each site can have it's own configurable style for their SSO login screen.

A complete Server UI is being planned so that users can register and login to a FedID Server to administer this configuration themselves.

      CONFIG: '{
"services": [
"client": {
"id": "myclientid",
"secret": "myclientsecret",
"redirectUris": [
"display": {
"logo": {
"url": "",
"style": "filter: invert(1);"
"title": {
"text": "Login to Outline with FedID",
"style": "font-weight: bold; color: #31A9BA;"
"body": {
"text": "Scan the below QR code with our mobile app, or any FedID compatible application.",
"style": "background-color: #231641; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: ''Roboto'', ''Helvetica'', ''Arial'', sans-serif; line-height: 1.5;"
"buttons": {
"text": "#FFFFFF",
"background": "#31A9BA"

The below configuration options are required when using services:

Configuration variableDescription
client.idThe OIDC client id
client.secretThe OIDC client secret
client.redirectUrisCallback URIs for OIDC
display.logo.urlThe URL to the logo to display at the top of the login screen
display.logo.styleCSS styles to apply to the logo
title.textContent to place in the title block of the login screen
title.styleCSS styles to apply to the title
body.textBody content to place underneath the title
body.styleCSS styles to apply to the body (entire page)
buttons.textThe text color for buttons
buttons.backgroundThe background color for buttons

After configuring the above, OIDC can be set up on the site to connect to the FIDC providing server. The example below is from a docker compose file for Outline.

- OIDC_CLIENT_ID=myclientid
- OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=myclientsecret
- OIDC_AUTH_URI=https://fedid.domain.ext/oidc/auth
- OIDC_TOKEN_URI=https://fedid.domain.ext/oidc/token
- OIDC_USERINFO_URI=https://fedid.domain.ext/oidc/me
- OIDC_LOGOUT_URI=https://fedid.domain.ext/oidc/token/revocation

A full Docker Compose file running two FedID Servers federated together with an instance of Outline allowing logins via one of the FedID Servers can be found on the codeberg repo.